Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Top 8 Fat Burning Foods For Your Weight Loss Plan

Every weight lose expert knows that right foods and exercises are the major ingredients combined in the right proportion to achieve fast fat burning desires. The more calories you eat that are not (burnt) used up result in weight gains. It is an agreed, tested and proven fact that certain foods boost metabolism greatly and are recommended to be eaten as a part of an effective fat burning and weight lose program.

Fat Burning

I will share with you in this article, 8 of such very effective fat burning foods.

1. Apples
Apple contains a very high percentage of pectin. Pectin is a soluble fiber it is considered a beneficial dietary fiber. Other citrus fruits also contain pectin but some at a lower rate.

There is a saying that "An Apple a day keeps the doctor away" indeed it also keeps away that extra weight.

2. Guava
This is also one of those citrus fruit that contain pectin in large quantity although not as much as Apple but large enough to help reduce weight in a fat burning program.

3. Carrots
Carrots are excellent source of antioxidant compounds and the richest vegetable source of the pro-vitamin, beta-carotene. Carrot reduces the risk of heart diseases which is one of the risks of overweight carrot. Recent research results suggest that people who eat more than five carrots a week are much less likely to suffer a stroke than those who eat only one carrot a month.

It is an effective way to lose weight because it leaves no room in the stomach for the desert. It can lead to burning of about 11b a week if correctly used.

4. Garlic
This is considered a miracle food when it comes to fat burning. It contains allicin which has anti-bacterial effect and helps to reduce unhealthy fats and cholesterol.

5. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are very great to add to diet. They are one of the most effective fat burning foods. They also have been proven to help prevent cancer, heart disease, cataracts and many others.

6. Oats
Oats fill the bill when it comes to reducing hunger and keeping you on your diet plan. The soluble fiber in oats fills you up by creating gels that delays stomach emptying so you feel full longer and that helps you with weight loss. It reduces cholesterol and protects the heart.

7. Mangoes
Mango is a versatile fruit packed with nutrients so you can eat less and still meet the daily requirements for nutrition. It is a very useful food for fat burning. They are low in calories and packed full of fibers, so is very ideal Fat burning food.

8. Spinach
Every fat burning expert stresses the free eating of vegetables in their program, but the Global Gazette is reporting that spinach, broccoli and garlic are also the best vegetable to help you to burn fat and lose weight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Peter_Olu-Joseph/323275

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